How Not to Fail a Job Interview

Everyone has that dream job, organization, or the need to work for a living. That is why anxiety crops in whenever you have to attend an interview, fearing the worst. What do you do then not to fail a job interview when so many factors can lead to negative outcomes?
It’s true that most of the time, it is impossible to control the outcome of an interview. However, there are things you can do to lower your chances of failing a job interview even before it is conducted. Some job interview mistakes seem insignificant, but they can cost you the opportunity in the eyes of the interviewer.
Here are the key things you should work on to impress the employer and avoid failing an interview on purpose.
7 Important Things to Consider Not to Fail a Job Interview
1. Do your Research Properly
Aggressively targeting the hiring company is one of the indispensable things you have to carry out. With the hard-to-fill roles, you have to do your homework sufficiently regarding the company and the position. You can utilize the vast resources available both online and in hard copy.
When you can hardly explain the company’s mission or why you want to work there, you are a recipe for failure. Although it might be hard to have an in-depth understanding of the employer, have a glimpse of the company’s products or services. Besides, be informed and ready to answer questions about the role you are applying for.
2. Be Punctual
How do you expect not to fail a job interview while you don’t care to keep time? Arriving late amounts to the quickest way of failing a job interview. This is because it signals poor management skills to the interviewer when you don’t adhere to the interview time. Furthermore, it could be interpreted as a lack of interest in the job you are looking for.
While you could have sufficient reason for being late, you can show some care by calling the employer. This will help you get their view of the situation where they might reschedule the interview. Maybe you have a struggle with punctuality. However, you must get your act together when interviewing for a job you desperately need.
3. Provide Correct Answers to the Interview Questions
Not all people get the chance to be invited for the interview despite even having applied for the same. Being given that opportunity is evidence that your resume pleased the employer. However, poor responses to the interview questions could discredit all that portraying you as unfit for the job. You can avoid it by researching and preparing comprehensive responses in advance.
Providing incorrect or unclear answers is one of the things you should never do at a job interview. This is because the interviewer will find it easy to dispel you when you can’t articulate your skills and knowledge to satisfaction. It is okay throughout the interview to admit that you don’t know something. On the other hand, show the employer your willingness to learn about the matter. Saying once or twice “I’m not sure” is better than lying or giving a long-winded answer.
4. Dress Appropriately
Believe it or not, how you dress could be the reason you keep failing your job interviews. How you appear is vital in forming a strong first impression while attending a job interview. Going to an interview with the wrong dress code, unkempt or disorganized, may keep off the interviewer. If you are unsure of the dress code, you better consult in order not to fail a job interview due to a trivial mismatch.
In addition, you can decide to go one level above the normal dress code, which could impress the employer. You can know the company’s desired dress code by checking their website, social media platforms or the employees’ pictures. It is worth noting that no matter how casual the organization might be, it is safe to be overdressed compared to being below the standards.
5. Enhance Your Communication Skills
Your facial expression and body language are indispensable while creating a rapport with the interviewer. You must endeavor not to fail a job interview based on missing some essential communication skills. First, you have to maintain eye contact during the interview. Eye contact displays a level of confidence and credibility.
Second, you must furnish your listening ability. One of the easiest ways to annoy the employer is by interrupting them while speaking or talking over them. Do not hijack the interview. Know when to talk. When it is your turn to talk, be specific and don’t dodge the targeted question. In addition, have a good sitting posture that will necessitate the least distractions, like tapping your hands or feet.
6. Ask Enough Questions
Most job interviews often provide you with an opportunity to ask questions. Failing to ask at least one question shows laziness and a lack of interest in the job. This is because employers desire to hire someone who understands what they are looking for, subject to their specific roles.
One of the red flags to the interviewer is when you fail to ask enough questions to seek precise details regarding the position or the company. This final stage could be the most painful and the easiest way to fail a job interview, especially having done well in other areas. Let the employer know that you care about the job by seeking to understand how you can better deliver toward realizing their goals.
7. Do Not Appear Too Humble
While humility is an indisputable virtue, do not forget that your role in an interview is to market yourself. Therefore, you need to talk about your accomplishments, what you are good at, and what you can do for them. If you shy off from expressing your expertise, it will be difficult for you not to fail a job interview.
Excessive humility will rob you of the chance to exude your ability, enthusiasm and confidence. When your pride is tailored toward what you can do for the organization, it catches the employer’s attention. Do not exhibit extreme levels of desperation for the job. Control your emotions to avoid appearing the neediest and be excited about what you can do.
Final Remarks
In conclusion, it is significant to note that there are uncountable reasons for you to fail a job interview. However, most of these factors are within your control. You can consciously, therefore, influence the outcome of a job interview by avoiding some of the common mistakes.
You are sure not to fail a job interview when you ensure punctuality, dress accordingly, and thoroughly research the company and the position. Furthermore, avoid being desperate for the job, as you also answer and ask questions suitably.
Can I fail an interview and still get the job?
You might have just concluded a job interview which, according to you, could not have gotten worse. However, there could be some instances where you feel you have not done enough but end up getting the job. Some interviewers could be compassionate, especially when you have been honest and have expressed the desire to learn and be coachable.
What not to say in a job interview?
There are things that you must avoid mentioning during an interview. They include badmouthing your previous employer, admitting not to do your research, and asking for immediate feedback at the end, among others.
Is it okay to tell the interviewer you are nervous?
Unequivocally, the place of confidence in a job interview is highly regarded. Remember, in the role you are applying for; you will need to be decisive and confident enough to have things done. It may not sound good to the employer.